Friday, December 5, 2008

Train for Business

"Train yourself to think business all the time"©. This picture is a visual aid representing how one should train themselves "businessly"©. Think about how much time you waste everyday doing things that do not help your business. Eliminate them, save a few hours for sleeping.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Polarize Your Thinking!

As a business guru, I need you believe in SUCCESS. I need you to buy into my program. To start thinking AGGRESSIVELY. Think in Black and White. "Gray flushes easiest down the commode."© If something is not helpful, drop it. If something is helpful, invest in it. Think rationally; if you think that something is "kind-of" helpful, realize that you basically don't know what you think. This type of attitude is negetive and will get your business nowhere. You are the BOSS, act like it, feel like it, and look like it. And remember, "You can't go wrong!"©